Clara Run-time Environment (CRE)

Installation instructions here are presented for the Clara Java binding.

For C++ and Python binding installation instructions can be found at:

First set the CLARA_HOME environmental variable that will point to the directory where the Clara distribution will be installed ( E.g. /UserHome/myClara)

$ setenv CLARA_HOME /UserHome/myClara

Clara will create $CLARA_HOME directory with a specific file structure. You need to provide only the location where it should be created.

Download the following script:

Change permission of this file to make it executable, and run:

$ ./  -f <CLARA distribution version>

Clara framework distributions are accessed at:

The default version is v4.3.5.

Omit the -f option to install the default version.

Clara Development Kit (CDK)

If you are a prospective developer and would like to access entire code-base, you need to install the CDK. This will provide Clara entire source base, including xMsg and JinFlux packages.

Installation Prerequisites

For the CDK successful installation, the following software components are required:

  1. Git
  2. Gradle

As you can see prerequisite is not extensive and most likely they are already installed on majority of systems.

CDK installation

Download the following script:

So, for CDK installation copy downloaded scripts into your <work_dir> and type:

$ ./

Software update

After receiving Clara update notification the only thing you do is simply type:

$ $CLARA_HOME/bin/

For CDK:

$ $CLARA_HOME/bin/

Under the hood

After the successful installation steps you will get a directory structured shown below.

|-- bin
|   |-- clara-monitor
|   |-- clara-orchestrator
|   |-- clara-shell
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- j_dpe
|   |-- j_idr
|   |-- j_proxy
|   `-- kill-dpes
|-- data
|   |-- input
|   `-- output
|-- jre
|-- lib
|   |-- clara
|   |   |-- cmd-logger
|   |   |-- cmd-wrapper
|   |   |-- run-clara
|   |   |-- run-java
|   |   `-- templates
|   |       |-- farm-jlab.ftl
|   |       |-- farm-pbs.ftl
|   |       `-- farm-script.ftl
|   |-- commons-exec-1.3.jar
|   |-- freemarker-2.3.26-incubating.jar
|   |-- gson-2.3.1.jar
|   |-- guava-18.0.jar
|   |-- influxdb-java-2.2.jar
|   |-- jclara-4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
|   |-- jeromq-0.3.6.jar
|   |-- jinflux-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
|   |-- jline-3.1.3.jar
|   |-- jopt-simple-4.9.jar
|   |-- json-20160810.jar
|   |-- jsr305-3.0.1.jar
|   |-- okhttp-2.4.0.jar
|   |-- okio-1.4.0.jar
|   |-- protobuf-java-2.6.1.jar
|   |-- retrofit-1.9.0.jar
|   |-- snakeyaml-1.18.jar
|   `-- xmsg-2.3.jar
|-- log
`-- plugins